Ladies Society
As daughters and followers of the doctrines set before us, we commit ourselves to the responsibility to serve our church, our culture and our Christian heritage with strength in the performance of our duties, courage in the line of adversity, and compassion and humility on our persona. We assist the St. Andrew parish in all its endeavors, namely with our main activities of the Palm Sunday Bake sale, Parish Picnic in July, Armenian Festival on September, and New Year’s Eve Dinner Dance. Ladies Society meets once a month or as needed during events. We organize various activities through the year in order to provide for our church and bring together our community while strengthening our faith life and our bonds with each other.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.
EProverbs 3:5-6
2018 Board Members
- Chairlady: Nairy Stephanian
- ViceChairlady: Lena Walthers
- Treasurer: Anahid Vartanian
- Secretary: Elo Charekian
- Advisors: Meline Mekhdjian, Theresa Bezdikian, Satig Krikorian
Contact the church office for contact information of Ladies Society board members at (408)257-6743.